15 Things Underestimated In Becoming A Dad

15 Things Underestimated In Becoming A Dad

This post was initially drafted back in 2016 following the birth of my first daughter. There is no strong reason for its delay, but with the birth of our second daughter last week, it felt right to rekindle the post.

Becoming a dad is something I am extremely proud to have experienced, and whilst I feel I have learnt and experienced so much since the arrival of my first daughter, there is still so much more to experience and learn. Through the Playing Dad series, I am hoping to share those moments with the aim to help someone else navigate their way into and through parenthood. Welcoming baby number two into the world has presented a new perspective on some aspects of my original draft. It was tailored very much towards first time dads, focusing on that leap of faith into an unknown you can never truly prepare for. Once you have had one child, a lot of the realities are no longer unknown and you take on a different level of confidence.

The Best Thing You Can Spend On Your Children Is Time

The Best Thing You Can Spend On Your Children Is Time

This is a first for my blog. The Playing Dad series meets The Edison Project. This post is once again a little later than it should be, but the concept only came to me when writing my previous post on creating tie-dye attire with my daughter.

Birth Takes Longer Than Five Minutes

Birth Takes Longer Than Five Minutes

It is over six months since my last blog post in the ‘Playing Dad’ series. I talked about how no parent can fully prepare for welcoming a baby into the world. I believe this statement is most applicable when it comes to the actual birth, especially if it is your first child. Books, classes, birthing plans and tours of the maternity ward only go a certain distance in preparing you for what awaits. I hope by sharing my experience, it can go some way to preparing others for this life event.

Nine Months To Prepare Is Never Enough Time

Nine Months To Prepare Is Never Enough Time

It has nearly been two months since my last post when I recounted mine and Hana’s personal experience in trying for and announcing we were expecting our first child together. I completely underestimated how much my life would change as a result of becoming a parent. Our baby has become the centre of our universe…

Pregnancy Is More Than A Facebook Post

Pregnancy Is More Than A Facebook Post

In my last post back in August, I announced the birth of my first child – Isla. I also announced the fact that becoming a dad would play an integral part in the evolution of my blog. Where The Edison Project began as a souped-up bucket list focused on pushing me to experience new things, it…

The Edison Project Item #27 – Have Children

The Edison Project Item #27 – Have Children

Whenever people are introduced for the first time to The Edison Project, they often ask me what the biggest item is on my list. The answer always includes ‘Item #26 – Get Married*’ and ‘Item #27 – Have Children’. These are both life...

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