Since publicising The Edison Project concept and sharing each years list, it has been really interesting to hear peoples feedback. The two most common themes of this feedback have been along the lines of, there is not enough that you fear on your list, or the list is focused too much on yourself rather than others. These are two valid points, both of which I would strongly encourage others to consider in creating their lists. If I was to go back in time and revise any of my lists then I think these two areas would be given more focus.

Donating blood ticked off on both points. The idea of a needle being used to extrapolate blood is something that scares the shit out of me. Prior to attending the blood donor bank, I had visions of me being the one they lie on his back with feet in the air to minimise the risk of fainting. Whilst this did not appeal to me, it was a fear I was willing to face. The second point was in relation to good deeds. According to the website, over 6,000 blood donations are needed daily to treat patients across England and North Wales. There is also a shortage of donors aged 17-44, with those over 45 representing around 50% of all blood donations. What better reason did I need?

Well, as it happens, there was a bigger motivational factor I had not taken into consideration prior to signing up to this. In sharing my plans across my social media outlets, and asking for tips given my phobia, it soon became apparent that many of my friends and family would not be here if it was not for those donating blood.

Today, having booked a slot, I ventured to Harpenden and completed a blood donation. The process was extremely smooth and my prior concerns go a long way to confirm how much of a big sissy I am.

If you read my blog and I still have not done enough to encourage you to create your own Edison Project list, then I hope I have done enough to encourage you to become a blood donor. The process is very simple, you are in the hands of professionals who do everything to make you feel comfortable, and it goes a long way to helping save lives. If you need more of a push then simply ask your friends on social media for support, and I am confident you will soon be pointed in the direction of a story too close to home to ignore. So please go to and book your appointment today.

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