My progress on The Edison Project has been slow the last few months, but that does not mean I have not been doing anything. There have been a number of developments behind the scenes that will steadily be revealed in the coming months. The first revelation is the new blog theme. Whilst I acknowledge the site has only been live a few months, the previous theme was not as optimised as I would have liked. Take a look around the new theme and let me know what you think. I am no web developer, so all feedback is welcome.

The second revelation is the fact I have completed another item on my Edison Project list for 2016.

A few weeks back I was invited to tick off a number of items on the list in one 24-hour period. The plan was to go watch the England rugby team in the Six Nations against Wales or Ireland (item #90 – attend an England international rugby game), learn the national anthem on route (item #80 – learn the national anthem and sing with pride at an international sporting event), and then get a rickshaw back into London for a night out (item #70 – ride a rickshaw). Sounds great, right? The problem was I could not make either of those dates. Instead, we made our way on the 19th March to see the Welsh international rugby team take on Italy in the Six Nations.

This may not have been as productive as the initial plan, it did qualify me to tick off item #4 – visit one of the home nations. My thinking here was that I would go to each of the home nations at least once and ensure I completed something iconic and traditional within each region. Going to an international rugby game in Wales and hearing the chorus of anthems in the Principality Stadium allowed me to do this, and by no means did it disappoint. The atmosphere was immense as Wales triumphed 67-14. It is one of the few things I recall from the experience having downed copious amounts of beer. This seemed like a great idea at the time, but it did mean I missed this highlight of the game.

In any case, the experience has got me even more eager to attend an England international. This is not currently on the agenda for 2016, but I understand there are winter internationals coming up soon, so there is hope. In the meantime, look out for the next item to be ticked off. I have one big one that I am really struggling to keep secret.

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