Sleeping in a tent in my parents garden at the grand age of 30. I can only wonder what my neighbours thought when they saw us. When people ask what is one of the stranger items on my list, then I think this one will rank quite highly.

Having lived at the same address for nearly 30 years, my mum is now upping sticks and selling the home. This comes with great sadness as I have many fond memories associated with the property. However, one thing I do not recall ever doing was camping in the garden. I have camped in many a friends gardens, but never my own.

Thanks to a pop up tent I bought a few festivals back, me and my girlfriend pitched up and spent the evening playing a board game before calling it a night. The board game we pick was a Bush Tucker Trial based on the I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out! TV show. The gist of it involves eating locusts, worms and other critters.

The rest of the experience was uneventful, but the immaturity of this item makes it a little silly and strange. I can only hope the next item will be more eventful.

I asked my girlfriend what women really want and she said attentive lovers.

Or maybe it was “a tent of lovers.” I wasn’t really listening.

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