A Segway is a death trap, but my god they’re great fun to ride. The first part of that sentence refers to the owner of the Segway company, who died riding his Segway off a cliff. Lucky for me, there were no cliffs near our location.

This Edison Project item was simply to ride a Segway, a two-wheeled, self-balancing, battery-powered electric vehicle capable of 12.5 mph. The opportunity presented itself thanks to an awesome 30th birthday present from my colleagues at work.

I had seen a number of Segway’s on my travels, where people were using them as a vehicle for guided city tours. However, we were going to be riding them off-road by a lake in Bray.

There was some anxiety to begin with, but me and my girlfriend soon got the hang of it. Whilst my girlfriend remained hesitant throughout, I thought it would be a great idea to see how fast the things went. It was no surprise when I went flying over the handle bars when trying to stop. Thinking I had got away with it, I picked myself up, only to realise I had managed to stall the Segway and required a key to restart it. This was not the worst part though. On the way home I realised I had ripped my jeans around the crotch area. In any case, this is another challenge I would highly recommend.

There are not many jokes related to Segway’s, so I will leave you with a link to Segway Events – www.segwayevents.co.uk

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