I do not know if reading makes you smarter, but I bloody hope so.

Similarly, I do not know if blogging makes you smarter, but I still keep going. This is the first blog post in a while, and whilst some have questioned whether my efforts are waning, I can assure you they are not. It is simply a case of the items currently in process being more long term orientated.

Over the past twelve months I have gone on to read thirteen books, with fourteen likely to be completed before the year end. I have never been a big book worm, only occasionally reading the odd book on the train or on holiday. The inspiration to read a book a month came from my girlfriend. She loves to read, and it amazes me how many books she gets through. Every so often she will read a book and add it to my reading pile as a must read.

This was not the toughest item on my list. It simply required me to manage my day better. Rather than reading the newspaper on my commute, I now commit to a book and consume my news online in my lunch break.

The books that make up my list are as follows:

  1. Eeny Meeny
  2. The Symbol
  3. American Sniper
  4. Bale Biography
  5. The Metamorphosis
  6. Perla
  7. Roy Keane The Second Half
  8. Cockroaches
  9. Freakonomics
  10. Bad Boy
  11. I Am Pilgrim
  12. Silkworm
  13. The Girl On The Train
  14. The Son (in progress)

Although books may not be the most exciting item on my list, it has certainly allowed me to push me to explore something I have often dismissed in favour of other activities. The power of a good book is something I did not truly understand until recently. I can only wish more people shared this enthusiasm for reading.

And in standard fashion, I leave you with a book related joke:

I went to the book store earlier to buy a ‘Where’s Wally’ book. When I got there, I couldn’t find the book anywhere.

Well played Wally, well played.

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