Making a balloon animal is my new party trick. I only make dogs though. This is one of the smaller, and sillier items on my bucket list – learn to make a balloon animal. It came about following a conversation with an old friend who had received a balloon modelling kit as a secret Santa gift. This inspired me to add it to my list.

Thanks to YouTube and the many how to videos, I was able to make a balloon dog. I make this sound easy, but there is actually more to this than meets the eye. It started by buying some modelling balloons from Tesco. That was the simple part. The hard bit came in blowing the bloody things up. I huffed and I puffed (I didn’t blow any houses down), and then I took to ebay and found myself a shiny cheap balloon pump. I say ‘cheap’, the thing broke in two after blowing up a handful of balloons. In any case, it was enough for me to tick this item off my list.

This brings me back to my first sentence – ‘Making a balloon animal is my new party trick.’ This is comes with some fine print. *only at parties where a balloon pump is easily accessible. There is no way I am carrying one around.

My last few posts have finished with a joke related to the theme of the item, and I really like that format…(because people may get some fun from the jokes even if the post is rubbish).

A clown walks into a party shop and asks the shop assistant, “Do you sell balloons?”


The shop assistant responds, “Yes, £0.10 a balloon”


Relieved, the clown asks for ten to be blown up and begins to count his money.


The balloons are ready and the shop assistant hands over the bill at £1.00 a balloon.


Frustrated, the clown asks, “Why has the price gone up?”


The shop assistant responds, “It is inflation.”

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