These are the princess cupcakes I decorated and baked for a friend’s kid’s birthday…or so I keep telling people. That is actually the honest truth. It was the fifth birthday of a family friend’s child, and it was the first opportunity for me to tick off ‘#33 – Bake a cake’.

My initial thinking was I would bake a cake for my girlfriend’s birthday, but when I asked what cake she would like, she asked for a fruit tart. This involved no baking and my culinary efforts were dismissed against my goal.

I may have cheated somewhat with the cupcakes in buying a pre-prepped cake making kit, but this was a step in the right direction. I think the next challenge will be to bake from scratch, so let me know if you have any birthdays coming up and you don’t mind taking a risk. To put the risk in perspective, I did try making cupcakes in school and forgot the sugar.

To finish up this post, I think another joke is in order.

Once a year my village holds a bake off with the cakes eventually being sold for charity. I baked a couple of cakes to help – one priced at a pound, and the other one was a fiver.

A man stepped up to my cake stands before pointing at the one costing a fiver and asking, “what type of cake is that one?”

I replied, “That is Madeira cake!”

Nicholas Moon's baking princess cupcakes.

Nicholas Moon’s princess cupcakes.

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