Solving a Rubik’s Cube was the first item ticked off my 2014 Edison Project. The Rubik’s Cube is a puzzle, a cube made of multi-coloured squares that the user must twist and turn so that all squares on each cube face are of the same colour. Invented in 1974, the Rubik’s Cube is the best-selling puzzle ever. Despite this, I have never personally owned a Rubik’s Cube, and thus, I have never solved one.

Thanks to my Girlfriend, I received my first Rubik’s Cube for Christmas in 2013. Over the course of three weeks I spent nearly an hour a day tackling the puzzle and getting ever frustrated in my pursuit. It saw me take three steps forward, and then six steps backwards. It took me the best part of two weeks to complete anything more than one side. Eventually one morning, through persistence, and whilst sat watching television in my underwear, I stumbled across a solution. It took me nearly 21 hours to complete the Rubik’s Cube. To put this in perspective, the world record is under six seconds.

If this is an item you would like to tackle then a Rubik’s Cube can be acquired online for under £10. My recommendation is to go for an authentic Rubik’s Cube. They are slightly more expensive, but they operate smoother than the cheaper options. Start with the 3x3x3 Rubik’s Cube, and then work out from there if you need a tougher challenge. Being quite a small puzzle they are mobile, and great to fill those times in the day where you have nothing better to do e.g. on your commute, or waiting in your car to pick up your girlfriend (this happens to me way too often).

Happy puzzle solving!

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