Okay…it is not a fence, but I have painted the walls in my flat.

Growing up my dad never let me near any household or garden jobs. I think he was worried I would make a mess of the whole job. The frustrating thing was I always wanted to get involved.

The idea to paint a fence/wall came from the thought of working hard in the sunshine, and then having a well-earned beer at the end of it. Picture Andy Dufresne and gang in Shawshanks Redemption having tarred the roof (note – I am aware I am not in jail, and this plays a big part in this scene).

In any case, finding a fence to paint is not so simple, but having recently acquired a flat, there are plenty of walls to work on.

If you too are also new to DIY then I strongly recommend the B&Q YouTube channel for brilliant how to videos.

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