The three Chinese Elm bonsai trees I received for Christmas 2013 are still alive. I have always wanted a bonsai tree ever since learning about them whilst studying Asian art at secondary school. This Christmas I received three. Having read numerous books and attended a bonsai workshop, I have maintained my trees for over 90 days, including three successful repots.

The idea of owning a bonsai tree started when I was at secondary school studying Asian art. A number of books had highlighted the art of bonsai, a Japanese art form of maintaining miniature trees. My interest in the idea was heightened one Christmas when my sister received a bonsai tree. I don’t know the ins and outs, but I do not recall seeing that tree a month or so later.

In either case, and many years later, I listed growing my own bonsai tree on my 2014 list. This list idea was shared with both my girlfriend and family separately in the lead up to last Christmas. You can probably guess what happened next.  Both my girlfriend and my mum clocked onto the idea of getting me a bonsai tree for Christmas. So two people, two trees. In fact, it was two people and three trees. My girlfriend bought a tree and she was worried she had killed it once it began to lose its leaves. As a result she bought another tree. So three trees in total.

At first I was very hesitant in trimming and maintaining the trees. My solution was to read several bonsai books, and to attend a bonsai workshop. The latter is something I highly recommend to anyone looking to try bonsai. As a result of all this homework, I have since trimmed and repotted all three trees. My trees have gone from a mass of random growth, to defined miniature trees.

I am by no means an expert, and there is every chance these trees may see the same fate as my sisters, however, it has now been three months and the trees are still in good health. On this basis, I am going to tick this off my bucket list.

Before you go pursuing this one, I should point out a Bonsai Tree is something with you for life provided you give it the care and attention it deserves. This care and attention is not something you can just do once a month, it takes a lot of effort. Small trees can be picked up for less than £15, but I strongly recommend you do your research before going all out Mr Miyagi.

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