My name is Nicholas Moon and my blog is called The Edison Project. The Edison Project is an evolving blog based around a concept I have been developing and tweaking for the past five years.

The concept is simple. Create a list of 100 experiences that I wish to complete in my lifetime. Over the year, I will attempt to complete as many of those experiences as possible. Once the year is over, I will review the list of 100 experiences and top it back up with 100 for the following year. Those I do not complete are carried over.

This idea has stemmed from my perspective of human behaviour. Humans are never content with life, but we always want to feel like we are winning. The Edison Project allows me to manage both aspects of that predicament. Each year I can challenge the things I am not content with in a structured way, and each item I tick off is a little win. The goal is not to complete all 100 as that would mean there is no room for improvement. The goal is simply to push myself outside my current comfort zone to try new things.

Think of it as an amalgamation of a bucket list and a list of New Year’s resolutions, but without the morbid connotations of a bucket list and with more flexibility than a New Year’s resolution.

Why is it called The Edison Project? The Edison Project is a name I have used in many guises over the years, but in every scenario it has related to ideas. Thomas Edison in his pursuit to develop the practical electrical light bulb is alleged to have stated –

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Applying this to my concept, no experience is an invaluable experience. Everyone will have its place and value.

Whilst I appreciate my experiences may mean nothing to others, I hope it goes some way to inspiring others to push themselves further.

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